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How we work

Our community is made up of members who feel inspired by Jesus Christ, and contribute to our community by sharing their own gifts and talents.
The Noorderkerk is used as a gathering place for our services and as a base for many activities, both within the church as well as in the community. All of the work and activities related to the Noorderkerk are organized by voluntary member-task forces, rather than being run by church boards.

Main tasks:
Pastoral Vicar (0,33 fte) joined by pastoral workers.
Diaconal council.
Church stewards (Financial, Maintenance building).

Together with the Christ Triumphant Church (Christus Triumfatorkerk) and the Peace Christ Church (Pax Christikerk) we form one PKN (Protestant Church in The Netherlands) congregation with a combined membership administration and accounting.
The vision of the overarching church board is to keep the three communities open and functional.
Each church has its own financial plan.