
Our community is depending on your gifts and/or donations. Once op periodically. We appreciate any contribution to continue our work.

ActionToilet group: Join!

Weekly Collections Noorderkerk via Ideal.

NL65RABO0373747160 - Diaconie Noorderkerk. Charity Voor giften zusterraad en andere diaconale doelen.

NL34RABO0373747039 - Noorderkerk Den Haag Protestantse Gemeente. Alle bijdragen, giften, van de kerkrentmeesters.

NL30INGB0007998973 - Stichting Vrienden Noorderkerk Den Haag.
Direct geven gift Vrienden Noorderkerk.

Dutch tax benefit: All gifts on this bank accounts are relevant for tax (ANBI). With an contract periodical gift no threshold in amounts. Information by church stewards (kerkrentmeesters) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).